

Journal Articles

  • 劉雅詩。〈重啟維吉爾史詩中的女性意識:勒瑰恩的《拉薇妮雅》〉。《中外文學》53.4 (2024年): 17-55。
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Performing Intercultural Trauma: State, Land, and Women in Troy, Troy…Taiwan.” Asian Theatre Journal 36.2 (2019): 453-71.
  • 劉雅詩。〈奇幻與歷史交會時隱藏的創傷:重探《貝武夫》屠龍詩篇〉。《英美文學評論》24 (2014): 103-27
  • 劉雅詩。〈追憶特洛伊論《高文爵士與綠騎士》中特洛伊框架的時代意義〉。《中外文學》34.12 (2006): 11-36
  • 劉雅詩。〈難解的分野談喬叟〈騎士的故事〉〉。《中外文學》29.9 (2001): 108-125

Book Chapters

  • 劉雅詩。〈臺灣「英國中古世紀文學研究回顧(2001-2022)〉。《文學薪傳:臺灣的英美文學研究(2001-2022)》。蔡振興主編。台北市:書林。2023年12月,27-52。
  • 劉雅詩。〈亞瑟之桌:論雷亞孟《布魯特》裡的饗宴〉。《俠義行:跨界與傳承 蘇其康教授榮退紀念文集》。余慧珠、郭如蘋主編。台北市:書林。20203月,153-170
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “The Jewel for the Crown: Reconsidering Female Kingship and Queenship in the Galfridian Historiography.” Perceiving Power in Early Modern Europe. Ed. Francis K.H. So. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 69-84.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “One Island, Two Founding Myths: When Albion Turns into Britain.” Landscape, Seascape, and the Eco-Spatial Imagination. Eds. Simon C. Estok, Jonathan White, and I-Chun Wang. New York, USA: Routledge, 2016. 53-65.
  • 劉雅詩。〈我夫/父為君:論雷亞孟《布魯特》中的皇室婚姻與家庭觀〉。《西方古典暨中世紀人文思想第一輯》。丁福寧主編。新北市:輔仁大學出版社。20125月,195-216


  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. A Regnal Genealogy in Trouble: The Trojan Myth as a Traumatic National Historiography in Medieval England. 2011. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ph. D. Dissertation.

Conference Papers/Proceedings

  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Literature, Media, and Medievalism in the NonAnglophone Classroom.” Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society. Pasadena, California, USA. July 2024.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Undressing Griselda in Boccaccio, Petrarch, Chaucer, and Atwood: Storytelling, Translation, and Female Subjectivity in Times of Crisis.The Thirteen Quadrennial International Comparative Literature Conference. Tamkang University. December 2023.
  • 劉雅詩。〈重啟維吉爾史詩中的女性意識:娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩的《拉薇妮雅》〉。第四十五屆全國比較文學會議。國立臺灣大學。2023年6月。
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Engaging Readers with Female Voices in the Homeric Epics: Pat Barker’s The Silence of Girls and Margaret Atwood’s Penelopiad.” The 16th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. Tamkang University. October 2022.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Linguistic Strategies of Imagination in Galfridian Historiography: Arthur’s Table in Latin, Norman, and Middle English.” The Singapore Symposium on the Middle Ages. Society for Enhancing the Study in Asia of Medieval Europe. September 2022.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Discontinuity and Dislocation: Trauma, Topography, and Literary Tradition in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant.” 2021 International Conference of The English Language and Literature Association of Korea. December 2021.
  • 劉雅詩。〈亞瑟之桌:論雷亞孟《布魯特》裡的饗宴〉。跨界與傳承:蘇其康教授榮退學術研討會。國立中山大學,20196月。
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Desire, Disease, and Death in Chaucer’s and Henryson’s Story of Troy.” The 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, USA. May 2019.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Chaucer and the God of Love.” The 12th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. National Chi Nan University. October 2018.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Imaging Cross-Cultural Identities in Troy, Troy…Taiwan.” Association for Asian Performance Conference 2018. Boston, USA. July 2018.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Love, War, and Justice: The Duke Theseus in Chaucer and Shakespeare.” Shakespeare in History: Tradition, Influence, and Reception, NTU. November 2016.
  • 劉雅詩。〈回首底比斯:從莎士比亞回顧喬叟〉。第 24 屆英美文學國際學術研討會,國立交通大學。201610月。
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “The Friendship and Encounters in the Squire’s Tale.” The 10th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. National Pingtung University. October 2016.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “The Legend of Good Women: Chaucer’s Failed Collection?” New Chaucer Society 2016, London, UK. July 2016.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Arthur’s Tables: The Feasts in Layamon’s Brut.” International Medieval Congress 2016, Leeds, UK. July 2016.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Imagining Cross-Cultural Identities in Troy, Troy…Taiwan.” 2015 AAS-in-Asia Conference: Asia in Motion: Ideas, Institutions, Identities. June 2015.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Resituating the Trojan War: From Chaucer to Shakespeare.” The Conference of Western Classical and Medieval Studies 2015, Fu-Jen Catholic University. May 2015.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “The Jewel for the Crown: Medieval Queenship in the Galfridian Historiography.” The Eighth International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. National Sun Yat-sen University. October 2014.
  • 劉雅詩。〈奇幻與歷史交會時互放的光亮:重探《貝武夫》屠龍詩篇的敘事架構〉。第21屆英美文學學會年會:奇幻與文學書寫。國立中正大學。201311月。
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Reshaping the Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Migration: The Cultural Confrontations between the Britons and the Anglo-Saxons in Layamon’s Brut.” 2013 International Conference: Migrants and Their Memories. Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences. National Sun Yat-sen University. Oct 2013.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Revising Tradition: When the Odyssey Encounters the Penelopiad and Criseyde Becomes Cresseid.” The 7th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. National Changhua University of Education. October 2013.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Revisiting John Lydgate’s Troy Book and The Siege of Thebes.” The Conference of Western Classical and Medieval Studies 2013. Fu-Jen Catholic University. May 2013.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “One Island, Two Founding Myths: When Albion Turns into Britain.” 2012 International Conference: Mapping the World: Migration and Border-crossing. Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University. November 2012.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Collecting Good Women: Gender Politics in Chaucer and Christine de Pizan.” The 6th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies: “Infinite riches in a little room”: Collecting as a Cultural Practice and Literary Theme in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Tunghai University. October 2012. 
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Between Illusion and Reality: An Image of the Ideal Monarch in the Age of Richard II.” The Conference of Western Classical and Medieval Studies 2012. Fu-Jen Catholic University. May 2012.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “London as a Theatre: Playing Politics in the 1392 Pageantry.” The 5th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies: Ludi Civitatis: the Church, the Court, and the Citizens. National Sun Yat-sen University. November 2011.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Sir Gawain’s Anxious Voyage in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” 2009 International Conference: Mapping the World: Migration and Border-crossing. Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University. October 2009.
  • 劉雅詩。〈我夫/父為君:論雷亞孟《布魯特》中的皇室婚姻與家庭觀〉。西洋古典暨中世紀學術研討會。輔仁大學。20095月。
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “An Illustrious History in Trouble: The Trojan Traumas in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae and Wace’s Roman de Brut.” The 3rd International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies: Loci of Light and Darkness. Fu-Jen Catholic University. April 2009.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “A Glorious Genealogy with Wounds: Reconsidering the Story of Troy in Historia Regum Britanniae.” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, MI, USA. May 2007.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Saintly Intervention in the Traumatic History: Revisiting Saint Erkenwald.” 18th Medieval Symposium, Medieval Studies Institute, Indiana University. IN, USA. April 2006.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Trinovantum: Gawain as a Trojan Son.” 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA. May 2005.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Franciscan Apocalypse in Cleanness.” 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA. May 2003. 

Encyclopedia Entries

  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Brutus Cassius.” The Chaucer Encyclopedia. Edited by Richard G. Newhauser. Wiley-Blackwell, 2023. DOI:10.1002/9781119086130.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Lavyne, Lavina, Laveyne (Lavinia).” The Chaucer Encyclopedia. Edited by Richard G. Newhauser. Wiley-Blackwell, 2023. DOI:10.1002/9781119086130.
  • Liu, Sophia Yashih. “Brutus Cassius.” The Chaucer Encyclopedia. Edited by Richard G. Newhauser. Wiley-Blackwell, 2023. DOI:10.1002/9781119086130.


  • 劉雅詩譯。《郊野佛陀》The Buddha of Suburbia。台北:新雨,2001


  • 劉雅詩(與許以心、翁怡錚)。〈莎士比亞之前世今生與來世〉。莎士比亞沙龍NO. 5。台灣莎士比亞學會。線上講座。20218月。
  • 劉雅詩。〈中世紀西歐文學裡的宮廷愛情、騎士精神與亞瑟王傳奇〉。宜蘭大學外文系。講座。202011月。
  • 劉雅詩。〈從《騎士風雲錄》笑看喬叟的中世紀騎士〉。國立交通大學。講座。201911月。
  • 劉雅詩。〈莎翁與喬叟的特洛伊戰爭〉。座談會:與莎士比亞的下午茶 (From Page to Stage系列活動:”From the Page” 第五場)。國立中山大學。2016年4月。

Other Publications

  • 劉雅詩。〈導讀:沉默的詩歌〉。《沉默的希臘少女》。派特.巴克著。呂玉嬋譯。台北市:時報文化。202112月。323-330
  • 劉雅詩。〈《祭特洛伊》的跨文化創傷〉。《祭特洛伊:當代環境劇場美學全紀錄》。游蕙芬主編。台北:有鹿文化,20197月。46-58